Benefits of Membership
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Q. How does one become a member?

A. Read and agree to all the terms in the agreement. A volunteer member will come to your home and give you a *vacuum sealer to use. We will spend time to help you understand how to use the product efficiently.


Q. Is there any cost or obligation in becoming a member of the Celestial Mission Community?

A. No, there is no cost at all to be a member of the community. However there is one stipulation, if you become inactive by not using the vacuum sealing product we will ask that you allow us to retrieve it from you to put it in use with another active member.


Q. What do I do with my leftovers after I have vacuum sealed them?

A. Store them in your freezer. Also, see our Agreement Page and Read the Food Handling Links


Q. How do I get my leftovers to the Celestial Mission?

A. At this time food pick up will be done upon a request. For Food Pick Up Click Here.

As our membership grows we will continually monitor our policies and procedures to best handle the volume.

Q. What is the best way to package the food?

A. The best way to figure how to do this is if you have enough food for 10 servings or more you can freeze those in the large bags, otherwise it is best to freeze single servings.

Q. What constitutes a single serving?

A. Our rule of thumb is approximately 6-8oz of things like soups, casseroles, spaghetti, chili and meat & pasta dishes. Meats alone are 4oz per serving and can be vacuum packed together with a vegetable i.e. – a 4oz piece of steak and green beans!



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